Seraphin Messages relevant to the TRANSITION PERIOD

  • most birds have multiple chicks. and most of the time, the dominant chick takes all of the food and henpecks the other chick. so these chicks are dying all of the time. I once discovered a baby squirrel, hairless and unmoving. I was working at the time and I was going to leave it to die. but I told my family, with whom i was working and they wanted to save it. so we drove it to a nearby animal rescue organization and they reared it. they released it later when it was grown..

  • I would have picked up and saved that baby bird as well. Don't think I could walk away from any bird that needed help, they hold a special place in my heart! My mom was talking about all the baby chick's we had. Some we had to help hatch ourselves. I recall one we had to help since his umbilical cord was still stuck to his shell ( it wasn't humid enough)

    Having had chickens for many years growing up, you learn about life and death..

    There were some chick's we had to put down either from being born with a defect or an injury. It never got easier.. It taught us all about life and death. The cycle of nature too, as we would sometimes leave the older hens who passed out in the woods for their bodies to be eaten by wildlife.

    But we loved those cute little fluffballs that they were. We would bring them inside and play with them there. Some who needed that extra help hatching, we would put them in a scarf around our necks to keep them warm and with us. I loved that part!! It was so cute!

    Even though having and raising birds was stressful, nerve-wracking, sad and fun... I would do it all again one day! The eggs are worth it!

    I wish you good luck on the baby bird you found. I hope it grows big and strong for you! I send love and good energies for you and the bird! ❤️🐦

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    Well, not sure if rejected. It was the second bird we found at that spot. The first one was dead from the fall. We could not find the nest. I suspect a cuckoo baby threw them out. Anyway, doesnt seem to be anything wrong with it so far… amazing to experience this new life while the world burns …

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    Rosie it was likely rejected by its mom who would know if something is wrong..mothers know this.. <3

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    Thank you for your comments! Here is an update on the baby bird: we are feeding him very small lieces of raw meat every 2 hours (as you said dear mia), and he is sitting on my woolly socks on top of a hot water bottle. He is thriving!

  • Thank you for your thoughts dear friends. I have a heart / mind dilemma at the moment- only a small example. We found a tiny baby bird, hardly any feathers, still blind, on the pathway. We have pit it on a hot water bottle, we have tried to find worms for it, to no avail. We would have to travel quite a way to find the right food and then feed it every hour, but we have so many things to do here eithin a limited time. The heart says yes but the mind says that nature should take its course without us ….

    I would listen to the mind :saint:

    I would do my best to help.....but then i would let Nature take its curse 💙


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